AUTHOR = {Hans-Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Approximation der Feigenbaumkonstante},
NOTE = {study thesis},
YEAR = 1997,
PS = {stoerr.97beleg.ps.gz},
PDF = {stoerr.97beleg.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Yvonne Kalinke and Hans--Peter
TITLE = {Recurrent Neural Networks to Approximate the Semantics of
Acceptable Logic Programs},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
VOLUME = 1502,
BOOKTITLE = {Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the
11th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
EDITOR = {G. Antoniou and J. Slaney},
YEAR = 1998,
PUBLISHER = {Springer--Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg},
PAGES = {},
ANNOTE = {ISBN 3-540-65138-1},
PS = {borel.ai98.ps.gz},
PDF = {borel.ai98.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Yvonne Kalinke and Hans--Peter
TITLE = {Approximating the Semantics of Logic Programs by Recurrent
Neural Networks},
JOURNAL = {Special Issue of the Applied Intelligence Journal on ''Neural
Networks and Structured Knowledge``, Volume 1 ``Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning''},
YEAR = 1999,
VOLUME = 11,
PAGES = {45-58},
MONTH = {July},
PS = {hoelld.kalinke.stoerr.99.ps.gz},
PDF = {hoelld.kalinke.stoerr.99.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Reasoning about Complex Actions (Extended Abstract)},
NOTE = {ESSLLI-98 Workshop on Reasoning about Actions: Foundations and
Applications, Saarbr{\"u}cken,
Germany. http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/esslli98-actions/},
YEAR = 1998,
MONTH = {August},
PS = {hoelld.stoerr.98esslli.ps.gz},
PDF = {hoelld.stoerr.98esslli.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Reasoning about Complex Actions},
NOTE = {Workshop on Action and Causality, part of Seventh
International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Trento,
Italy. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/vl/nmr98.html},
YEAR = 1998,
MONTH = {May},
PS = {hoelld.stoerr.98nmrac.ps.gz},
PDF = {hoelld.stoerr.98nmrac.pdf}
AUTHOR = {H{\"o}lldobler, Steffen and St{\"o}rr, Hans--Peter},
TITLE = {Complex Plans in the Fluent Calculus},
BOOKTITLE = {Intellectics and Computational Logic: Papers in Honor of
Wolfgang Bibel},
PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Press},
YEAR = {2000},
EDITOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler},
PAGES = {207-223},
PS = {hoelldobler-00-05.ps.gz},
PDF = {hoelldobler-00-05.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Solving the Entailment Problem in the Fluent Calculus using
Binary Decision Diagrams},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Model-Theoretic Approaches to Planning at
YEAR = 2000,
ADDRESS = {Beckenridge},
MONTH = {April},
NOTE = {Extended Abstract, see also \cite{hoelldobler:stoerr:99a}},
PS = {hoelldobler.stoerr.00a.ps.gz},
PDF = {hoelldobler.stoerr.00a.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {{BDD}-based Reasoning in the Fluent Calculus -- First Results},
BOOKTITLE = {8th. Intl. Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR'2000)},
YEAR = 2000,
ADDRESS = {Beckenridge},
MONTH = {April},
NOTE = {Extended Abstract, see also \cite{hoelldobler:stoerr:00c}},
PS = {hoelldobler.stoerr.00b.ps.gz},
PDF = {hoelldobler.stoerr.00b.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Solving the Entailment Problem in the Fluent Calculus using
Binary Decision Diagrams},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Computational Logic (CL)},
YEAR = 2000,
PAGES = {747-760},
EDITOR = {J. Lloyd and V. Dahl and U. Furbach and M. Kerber and
K.-K. Lau and C. Palamidessi and Pereira, L. M. and Y. Sagiv
and Stuckey, P. J.},
NUMBER = 1861,
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
PS = {hoelldobler-00-04.ps.gz},
PDF = {hoelldobler-00-04.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Solving the Entailment Problem in the Fluent Calculus using Binary Decision Diagrams},
INSTITUTION = {Artificial Intelligence Institute, Computer Science Department},
YEAR = 1999,
NUMBER = {WV-99-05},
ADDRESS = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Dresden},
NOTE = {???}
AUTHOR = {Yvonne Kalinke and Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Approximation der Funktion {$T_p$} normaler logischer Programme {$P$} durch 3-schichtige vorw{\"a}rtsgerichtete Netze},
INSTITUTION = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Dresden},
YEAR = 1996,
NUMBER = {WV-96-07}
AUTHOR = {Yvonne Kalinke and Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Rekurrente {N}euronale {N}etze zur {A}pproximation der
{S}emantik akzeptabler logischer {P}rogramme},
PAGES = 27,
BOOKTITLE = {Fortschritte in der K{\"u}nstlichen Intelligenz},
YEAR = 1996,
ORGANIZATION = {KI-96 Workshop},
PUBLISHER = {Dresden University Press}
AUTHOR = {Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Planen mit bin{\"a}ren Entscheidungsdiagrammen},
SCHOOL = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Dresden, Department of Computer Science},
YEAR = 2005,
NOTE = {(in German; submitted)}
AUTHOR = {Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Bedingte und {R}ekursive {A}ktionen im {F}luent--{K}alk{\"u}l},
SCHOOL = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Dresden},
YEAR = 1997,
NOTE = {(in German)},
PS = {stoerr.97.ps.gz},
PDF = {stoerr.97.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Hans--Peter St{\"o}rr and Michael Thielscher},
TITLE = {A New Equational Foundation for the Fluent Calculus},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Computational Logic (CL)},
YEAR = 2000,
PAGES = {733-745},
EDITOR = {J. Lloyd and V. Dahl and U. Furbach and M. Kerber and
K.-K. Lau and C. Palamidessi and Pereira, L. M. and Y. Sagiv
and Stuckey, P. J.},
NUMBER = 1861,
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
PS = {stoerr.thielscher.00.ps.gz},
PDF = {stoerr.thielscher.00.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hans-Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {{BDD}-based Reasoning in the Fluent Calculus - First Results},
INSTITUTION = {Artificial Intelligence Institute, Department of Computer
Science, Technische Universit{\"a}t Dresden},
YEAR = 2000,
TYPE = {(Extended Abstract)},
NUMBER = {WV-2000-01},
PS = {wv-00-01.ps.gz},
PDF = {wv-00-01.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Hans-Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {Planning in the Fluent Calculus Using Binary Decision
JOURNAL = {AI Magazine},
YEAR = 2001,
VOLUME = 22,
PAGES = {103-106},
URL = {http://www.aaai.org/Library/Magazine/Vol22/22-03/vol22-03.html}
AUTHOR = {Sven-Erik Bornscheuer and Yvonne McIntyre and Steffen
H{\"o}lldobler and Hans-Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {User Adaptation in a Web Shop System},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Internet
and Multimedia Systems and Applications},
PAGES = {208-213},
YEAR = 2001,
EDITOR = {M. H. Hamza},
ADDRESS = {Anaheim, Calgary, Zurich},
ANNOTE = {ISBN 0-88986-299-0},
PDF = {hoelldobler.stoerr.etal.imsa.01.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Marina Guetova and Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hans-Peter
TITLE = {Incremental Fuzzy Decision Trees},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 25th German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (KI2002) },
PAGES = {67-81},
YEAR = 2002,
EDITOR = {M. Jarke and J. Koehler and G. Lakemeyer},
ADDRESS = {Aachen, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
PDF = {guetova.etal.ki02.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Tran Dinh Khang and Hans-Peter
TITLE = {A Fuzzy Description Logic with Hedges as Concept Modifiers},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings InTech/VJFuzzy'2002},
PAGES = {25-34},
YEAR = 2002,
EDITOR = {Nguyen Hoang Phuong and Hung T. Nguyen and Nguyen Cat Ho and
Pratit Santiprabhob},
ADDRESS = {Hanoi, Vietnam},
ORGANIZATION = {Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Center for
Natural Science and Technology},
PUBLISHER = {Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam},
ANNOTE = {http://www.s-t.au.ac.th/~intech/},
ABSTRACT = {In this paper we present a fuzzy description logic ALCFH,
where primitive concepts are modified by means of
hedges. ALCFH is strictly more expressive than Fuzzy-ALC
defined in \cite{straccia:01}. We show that given a linearly
ordered set of hedges primitive concepts can be modified to
any desired degree by prefixing them with appropriate chains
of hedges. Furthermore, we define a decision procedure for the
unsatisfiability problem in ALCFH, and discuss truth bounds,
expressivity as well as complexity issues.},
PDF = {hoelldobler.khang.stoerr.02.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Hans-Peter St{\"o}rr},
TITLE = {A compact fuzzy extension of the Naive Bayesian
classification algorithm},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings InTech/VJFuzzy'2002},
PAGES = {172-177},
YEAR = 2002,
EDITOR = {Nguyen Hoang Phuong and Hung T. Nguyen and Nguyen Cat Ho
and Pratit Santiprabhob},
ADDRESS = {Hanoi, Vietnam},
ORGANIZATION = {Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Center for
Natural Science and Technology},
PUBLISHER = {Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam},
ANNOTE = {http://www.s-t.au.ac.th/~intech/},
ABSTRACT = {We introduce a conservative fuzzy logic extension of the
Naive Bayesian classification algorithm. The extension
generalizes the algorithm such that the examples are
described by a fuzzy set of attributes, instead of a
classical set. Thus, an example possesses each attribute
to a degree in [0,1]. We present a new classification
algorithm usable with fuzzy sets that is (a) fast, (b) is
able to work with few training examples, (c) uses a
compact representation of the internal model, (d) is able
to deal with missing attributes, and (e) can be used for
incremental learning, such that a rapid alternation of
learning of new examples and classification of examples is
possible. Our extension to Naive Bayesian classification
is conservative in the sense that in the classical limit,
when every fuzzy membership degree of the attributes is 0
or 1, our algorithm behaves exactly as the Naive Bayesian
classification algorithm.},
PDF = {stoerr02.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hans-Peter St{\"o}rr and Tran
Dinh Khang},
TITLE = {The Fuzzy Description Logic {$ALC_{FH}$} with Hedge
Algebras as Concept Modifiers},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence},
YEAR = 2003,
PAGES = {294-305}
AUTHOR = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler and Hand-Peter St{\"o}rr and Tran
Dinh Khang and Nguyen Hoang Nga},
TITLE = {The Subsumption Problem in the Fuzzy Description Logic
{${\cal ALC_{FH}}$}},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Tenth International Conference IPMU 2004:
Information Processing and Managment of Uncertainty in
Knowledge-Based Systems},
PAGES = {243-250},
YEAR = 2004,
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